Friday, July 25, 2008

When I'm quiet, here's what I'm chewing..

A compilation of theories from the minds of Jordan and Malorie. (The things we think and then talk about)

1. The smallest living thing on this planet is an atom. It has a dense nucleus with electrons rotating around it in some pattern. This fact is well known and proven. Or is it? The solar system. It has a dense sun with planets rotating around it in some pattern. Our universe. This is the largest structure known to man (well, partially known). It has some kind of dense center with galaxies floating around it. Can you see where I’m going? Recently, scientists discovered a sound wave inside of an electron (the smallest structure known to man). Is it a coincidence that an atom and a universe have the same structure? Since they do, is it possible that an electron is something else’s galaxy? Is our galaxy something else’s electron? Do you believe that our God is ONLY worthy of praise from our small earth? I don’t necessarily think that.

2. We are the only mammals that continue to drink milk past the age of weaning. Other mammals drink their mother’s milk for a period of time, stop, and then start eating adult food. Humans drink their mother’s milk for a period of time, stop, and then start drinking cow’s milk. Is this really good for our breed? If so, why isn’t this an innate practice demonstrated amongst animals? Why don’t dogs start drinking their mother’s milk and then go share with a cat? How is this affecting our nutrition? Does the continuation of drinking SO much concentrated nutrients in one glass over a LIFETIME give us the advantage (the human race is getting taller= physical effects, technology is advancing=mental effects) or it is just a cheap item to throw into a grocery cart?

3. What if this life is a dream (or a different state of awareness)?

4. Stupid people are multiplying. Most people have heard this theory, because it seems to be a hot topic of conversation and one easily explored and understood. For those of you who haven’t, let me explain: I will refer to “smart” people as those who have some kind of education, money, awareness AND consideration of consequence, and some type of knowledge of our economy in its present state. “Stupid” people are those with a combination of little education, little money, little to no consideration of consequence, and little to no knowledge of our economy. Here is the SMART American family: One in which a husband and wife decide on how many kids to have according to how many they desire initially and what they can afford, within God’s plan. Before and after the decision is made, birth control methods are implemented and the family is satisfied. The “stupid” American family is one in which the parents are not married, or maybe they are, but NO thought is put into how many kids, when the kids are conceived, and if they can pay for them or not. But fear not “stupid” ones; we have a democracy! You can claim WeLfArE and every working American will pay FOR YOUR KIDS! Having a family doesn’t mean you have to have money, or to be working, married, or even together. It seems that the “smart” ones should be outnumbered, right? Well, the trend is heading that way. But for now, crime seems to manage the “stupid” population.

5. Blue = red. Most would consider this statement false, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that. Every tangible object, living and non-living, is made of atoms, that make up structures, that make up surfaces. We see surfaces because light bounces off of them and reflects some of that light back to our eyes, depending on its composition, and our mind interprets that light. However, every mind thinks differently. Could it be that when light hits an object and reflects blue back to me, it reflects red back to you? Think about it... because the wavelengths of colors are always consistent, there would never be a discrepency in color, even though we are seeing one object differently. Can this be tested? No, because you can’t see what another mind sees with any type of technology. It’s just a thought.

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