Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holistically beautiful

I had a patient today who was holistically beautiful. At the ripe old age of 87 with FLAWLESS black skin and gorgeous white dentures, she smiled more than anyone I've ever met. With braided white hair and bright pink nails at the end of hands that have seen many hardships, she grabbed my heart like she'd never let go.

Her mother died in childbirth with her because there were complications and they could not afford healthcare (and for a split second, I turned into a Democrat). She had a hard childhood, doing farm chores until wee hours of the night and occasionally walking to school when she could. She married at the age of 18, and he was burned to death a year later. She married again 5 years later, and he was killed in a war. So she never re-married or had children, but she was a mother her entire life. With a smile so big it almost hindered her speech, she spoke at length about the white kids, black kids, and Asian kids that romped through the house. She cared for them like it was nobody's buisness-- and one of them, she calls her daughter. Her story forced a tear down my cheek. Lastky, She has been a Christian all of her life and clings to Christ with everything she has.

She was Captivating (READ THE BOOK). She had everlasting joy instead of instant happiness. She had an instant love for people instead of a preconceived notion. She rested in me AND herself; she was not trying to entertain me and she was not insecure about herself. She was present in the moment. Silences were welcomed as moments to dwell on emotions; akwardness did not enter the room.

"Lord, make me beautiful like my patient. Do what it takes to break my heart and get me to this point. Throw out desires for instant happiness, my preconceived notions, insecurites, and assumptions about akwardness, as only You can do. Please give me the "forever joy," GENUINE love for all strangers of all colors, rest, confidence, presence, and the beauty that you gave my patient, as I strive for these things as well. Amen."


Lindsey said...

i love that you noticed her captivating aura. i want that kind of beauty that transcends time and space.

love your blog!!! :)

Unknown said...

This is good. I like your writing style.

Keep it up!