Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Praying believing...?

I went to my aunt's church, Grace Fellowship, this past Sunday. The worship was just incredible (Revelation song, The More I Seek You... but not just the songs, it was the way they were delivered and how big the Lord showed up) and then we started to pray. The preacher asked for an old man to come to the front and we laid hands on him and prayed for him. He has been having pain in his back that radiates down one arm and one leg, and the doctors can't find out what's wrong, so are unable to effectively treat his pain. Some people around me spoke in tongues, some asked for healing in this man's life, and I stood there and asked for the Lord's will to be done... because it would be tragic to ask so confidently for healing and that not be in the Lord's plan, right? Wrong. I realized in that moment (Lindsey... you and I talk about this ALL the time)... that praying believing comes with desiring a specific, God-honoring outcome. For a long time, I was scared to pray with a specific outcome in mind because I didn't want to pray for the wrong thing and then get it (weird, huh). But, I think that if we are in the word and walking closely with Him, our desires will line up with His desires, and praying for the wrong thing is not something to worry about. So I think I'll be more bold now. I'm sorry it took so long, Jesus.


Lindsey said...

that apology at the end is so beautiful. i feel the same way. i pray for God to make use of my wasted time and i hope to pray more certainly and with faith, knowing that God wants to do big things.

sorry it took me this long to entirely read this post. it's a shame.
keep writing!

Lindsey said...

i love your brain!
love the apology statement at the end. there are many things i could say "sorry it took me so long, jesus" to. wow. that's moving.

keep writing, girl. sorry it's taken me so long to leave a comment. :)

love ya.