Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 discipleship

In my life, there is so much to be thankful for and look forward to in 2009. The most important one of all is spiritual growth.

Lately, I have grown closer to my aunt Celia and spiritual conversations have arose. Her church, Grace Fellowship of Augusta, is much different the Kiokee Baptist, so our talks have always been long and deep. I would carefully say that they are more Spirit-led and Kiokee is more knowledge-led, and both are Biblical. My desire is to find truth in both, because so far, each church finds fault with the other in certain areas.

I got saved at the age of 12 and raised up in Grace Baptist Church (different from Grace Fellowship). All of my spiritual growth came from Kiokee... however, because I was 18 at the time I joined Kiokee, I was thrown (not unwillingly, of course) into a leadership position and soon started feeling like I have missed out on the receiving end of discipleship. Not only do I desire to be poured into, but I have an immense amount of questions and searching that I want to do with someone at my side. Because I'm not married yet, it is only appropriate to do the deep, intimiate searching with another woman (preferably an older one). I expressed all of this to my aunt and she was so excited to hear it because she has been praying I would desire this!! After much prayer and consideration, I decided to ask my aunt's best friend, Sandy, who is an AMAZING woman of God, to say the least. Sandy replied by saying she has been asking the Lord to bring her a girl to disciple!! WOW!!

Our first meeting is this Friday for lunch. She likes meeting in public places so that we can pray the Lord will allow us an opportunity to share the gospel with people around us. I cannot barely contain myself, thinking that I will be studying the Word with a more knowledgable woman who will help me through my confusions, struggles, and pain! I will be posting revelations that I'm coming to. Oh yeah, that's Sandy and her family in the pic!!

Matthew 28:19: "Therefore go, and make disciples of every nation..."


Jordan said...

Discipleship is so important! I'm praying that the Lord will grow you in His truth and teach you during such a special season of life!

Lindsey said...

discipleship is beautiful! i'm so happy for you. look forward to our future conversations regarding truth discoveries. :)